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Case Results

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Municipal Liability
Settlement for Affected Community

The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land we inhabit are essential to our existence, yet they are often threatened by human actions. Environmental torts, a category of legal claims arising from harm caused to the environment, address the consequences of pollution, hazardous waste, and other environmental transgressions.

Auto Accident
Settlement for Back Injuries After Car Accident

Rear-end collisions are a common occurrence on our roadways, but they can have devastating consequences.

Workplace Accident
Win for Injured Construction Worker

Construction sites, bustling with activity and heavy machinery, are inherently dangerous environments. These complex projects, while vital to our infrastructure, often come with the risk of accidents.

Workplace Accident
Settlement for Burned Worker

Our workplaces should be environments where we can perform our duties safely and securely, but unfortunately, accidents happen. From slips and falls to equipment malfunctions, these incidents can lead to injuries, disabilities, and even fatalities, leaving individuals and families facing a difficult path to recovery.

Workplace Accident
Settlement in Construction Site Accident

Construction sites are inherently dangerous environments, and even routine tasks can turn perilous when safety measures are inadequate.

Auto Accident
Settlement for Bank Worker Injured in Pedestrian Knockdown

Pedestrian knockdowns are a serious and often fatal traffic hazard. These collisions occur when a pedestrian is struck by a vehicle, resulting in injuries ranging from minor scrapes to catastrophic trauma. Despite advancements in road safety, pedestrian accidents remain a significant concern in many urban and suburban areas.