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Case Results

Cases Cases Cases Cases Cases Cases  
image of a man shaking hands with a woman


Medical Malpractice
Misdiagnosis Settlement

Our feet are the foundation of our mobility, and entrusting their care to a podiatrist should inspire confidence, not fear. However, cases of podiatric malpractice highlight the devastating consequences that can arise when medical professionals fail to meet the standards of care.

Auto Accident
Verdict for Elderly Woman Struck by Car

Our sidewalks and streets should be havens of safety, but tragically, pedestrians are often vulnerable targets in a world of speeding vehicles and distracted drivers. Pedestrian knockdowns, whether caused by carelessness or sheer accident, can lead to devastating injuries, long-term disabilities, and even fatalities.

Trip and Fall Case

A split second of inattention, a misplaced step, a slippery surface - these are the ingredients that can lead to a devastating trip and fall. These seemingly innocuous incidents can result in serious injuries, long-term disabilities, and even fatalities.

Medical Malpractice
Settlement for Medical Negligence

Medical negligence, also known as medical malpractice, occurs when a healthcare professional's actions or inactions fall below the accepted standard of care, resulting in harm to a patient. This standard of care is defined by what a reasonable and prudent healthcare professional in the same specialty would have done under similar circumstances.

Awarded in Parking Lot Accident Case

Parking lots, often perceived as safe havens for our vehicles, can become unexpected battlegrounds for collisions. We had one such case in our practice.

Unsafe Premises
Settlement After Deadly House Fire

Our homes should be our sanctuaries, offering safety and peace of mind. Unfortunately, tragedy can happen in any place and time.