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$608,750 Settlement for Injured Mail Carrier in New York

Cases Cases Cases Cases Cases Cases  
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Every day, mail carriers brave the elements to deliver essential mail to our homes. In a recent case, a mail carrier sustained a debilitating injury after slipping on ice, resulting in a staggering $608,750 settlement. This case raises serious concerns about workplace safety and the risks faced by postal workers, particularly during winter months.

Client’s case

A postal worker in his late 40’s slipped on ice while delivering mail. He suffered a low back compression fracture which healed, but his low back pain never subsided which required low back surgery. A few years later he required a low back implant of a pain medication pump device.

Serious case challenges were overcome to successfully achieve the settlement because the biased Post Office, Workers Compensation, and Social Security Disability doctors all ganged up on this accident victim and downplayed his injury, and its causal relationship to the accident. Even worse, each examining doctor determined that our client was well enough to return to the Post Office without restriction. It was further satisfying to overcome the Post Office claim that the accident was our client’s own fault and that the settlement should have been much less!

Fellows Hymowitz Rice attorneys work to help you with any situation. If you need help, contact us for free consultation.

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